Local Chinese Organizations for business owners, scholars, professionals in Raleigh, Cary, Durham and Chapel Hill

Chinese Social Organizations for Cary, Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill area

If you are doing business with China or want to get networking with the local Chinese professionals, scholars, business entreprenuers, you defintely want to check out the following groups.

Chinese American Friendship Association (CAFA) http://www.cafanc.org/

Triangle Area Chinese American Society (TACAS) http://www.nctacas.org/

Chinese Association of Science and Technology CAST-NC http://www.castnc.org/

North Carolina Chinese Business Association NCCBA http://www.nc-cba.org/

Duke Chinese Students and Scholars Association http://www.dukechina.org

NCSU Chinese Students and Scholars Friendship Association http://clubs.ncsu.edu/cssfa/

UNC Friendship Association of Chinese Students and Scholars http://www.unc.edu/student/orgs/facss/

North Carolina China Center http://ncchinacenter.org/