GOV. EASLEY ANNOUNCES SEVEN N.C. CITIES EARN SPOTS ON TOP 100 JOBS LISTTwo Cities Rank Among Nation's Top 10 In Creating And Sustaining New Jobs And Economic Growth.
Raleigh-Cary area rose from No. 10 to No. 2 this year and Durham jumped from 74th to 21st.
Other recognition for the economic performance of North Carolina's cities includes:
1)Chief Executive magazine named North Carolina the state with the nation's third-best business climate;
2)Pollina Real Estate Corp. named North Carolina as the No. 1 Top Pro-Business State;
3)Development Counsellors International ranked North Carolina's business climate as the second best in the nation;
4)Forbes rated North Carolina No. 4 on its 2008 list of The Best States for Business;
5)Site Selection magazine listed North Carolina as the state with the top business climate six of the last seven years.
Hannah Chan
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