I cannot remembered how many offers I got from my past listings...Maybe 1 or 2?? I never imagine you can get more than 4 or 5 offers at the same time. I just submitted an offer for my client and the listing agent told me she already got 18 Offers on her table!! I was laughing when I heard that and I meant....yes...I expect a lot to compete but not as much as 18!!!! I thought she was joking but actually she told me she don't wish to get so many offers at each of her listing...me too!!!
Anyway, we got out bid even thought we offered more than asking price and I really want to ask who said the housing market is bad and no one is buying???? At least...not in Triangle area!!!
Hannah Chan, GRI, Broker/Owner
Website: http://www.caryraleighrealty.com
Blog: http://raleighcaryapexmorrisvillerealestate.blogspot.com/
Profie: http://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahchan
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