If you are looking for Chinese summer camp for your children in Chapel Hill and you can check out
1)The RedApple Learning Academy
Chinese Summer-Camp & After-School ProgramsRedApple Learning AcademyAddress: 1777 Fordham Blvd (US 15-501), Suite 103, Chapel Hill, NC 27514Phone: (919) 428-6772
If you are located in Morrisville, Cary and Apex area, you can check out the Chinese summer camp and track out program offered by Champion Learning Academy.
Chinese/Art After school; Track-out, Summer camp
106 pheasant wood ct. Morrisville, NC. 27560
If you would like to have your kids to join the Vacation Bible School held in Raleigh Chinese Christian Church in Cary this summer. You can go to their website http://www.raleighccc.org/vbs/2009/index.htm
and find out more details. They start to receive application on May 10th, 2009. The class get fill very fast and you don't want to miss the deadline!!
3)Raleigh Chinese Christian Church
9266 Chapel Hill Road
Cary, NC 27513
(919) 834-3815
Hannah Chan, GRI
Cary-Raleigh Realty, Inc.
Website: http://www.caryraleighrealty.com
Blog: http://raleighcaryapexmorrisvillerealestate.blogspot.com/
Profie: http://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahchan
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