I just found out Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill has the most intelligent residents in the nation!!
According to The Daily Beast, Raleigh Durham is the smartest city in the nation!!! I am so thrilled cause I always know Triangle area is the Best place to raise family, to do business, to work, to retire, to invest..e.t.c
According to The Daily Beast, Raleigh Durham is the smartest city in the nation!!! I am so thrilled cause I always know Triangle area is the Best place to raise family, to do business, to work, to retire, to invest..e.t.c
Metro Area Population: 1,578,527
Daily Beast IQ Score: 170
Raleigh-Durham has just about every intangible useful in attracting and developing a smart populace: It's a university hub, including two of the nation's elite schools (Duke and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), and those schools led to one of the nation's great technology incubators (Research Triangle). On top of that, Raleigh, as the state's capital, attracts engaged political minds, as well. "We are fortunate to have great universities in Raleigh-Durham and great ‘smart' industries that enrich our community greatly," Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker told The Daily Beast. Enrichment enough to top our list.
Congrats and this is the most meaningful award to Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill cause this is a confirmation to all the people who moved here that you made a very SMART decision!!
Hannah Chan Broker, GRI - Your Entrusted Real Estate Advisor in Traingle
Cary-Raleigh Realty, Inc.
Email: caryraleighrealty@yahoo.com
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