If you like to read or you like to buy some good bargain books and you will not want to miss this annual Public Libraries' Booksale which offers 300,000 books at bargain prices. Only cash and checks are acceptable for payment. You are encouraged to bring hand trucks and/or push carts.
Where:1514 Garner Station Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27603 in the South Station Shopping Center.
Where:1514 Garner Station Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27603 in the South Station Shopping Center.
For more information about the 2009 sale, email Dale Cousins at dale.cousins@wakegov.com
The 2008 Wake County Public Library Book Sale collected nearly $182,000 in revenue and you can tell how many book they sold last year....
The 2008 Wake County Public Library Book Sale collected nearly $182,000 in revenue and you can tell how many book they sold last year....
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