Today, I called the closing attorney office and want to find out if the seller signed the paper and Fedex to the closing attorney and the answer was the seller's son had H1N1 flu and cannot go out. My buyer need to wait a couple more days until the seller can go out and mail the paper back to the closing attorney. I know H1N1 is affecting all of us but this is the first time I felt the threat of H1N1.....
Hope all our fellow realtors eat well, stay healthy and prepare to fight the H1N1 attack....
Hannah Chan Broker, GRI - Your Entrusted Real Estate Advisor in Traingle
Cary-Raleigh Realty, Inc.
Email: caryraleighrealty@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.caryraleighrealty.com
Blog: http://caryraleighapexmorrisvillerealestate.blogspot.com/
Profie: http://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahchan