Raleigh-Cary ranked No.2 in creating and sustaining jobs and economic growth

GOV. EASLEY ANNOUNCES SEVEN N.C. CITIES EARN SPOTS ON TOP 100 JOBS LISTTwo Cities Rank Among Nation's Top 10 In Creating And Sustaining New Jobs And Economic Growth.
Raleigh-Cary area rose from No. 10 to No. 2 this year and Durham jumped from 74th to 21st.
Other recognition for the economic performance of North Carolina's cities includes:

1)Chief Executive magazine named North Carolina the state with the nation's third-best business climate;
2)Pollina Real Estate Corp. named North Carolina as the No. 1 Top Pro-Business State;
3)Development Counsellors International ranked North Carolina's business climate as the second best in the nation;
4)Forbes rated North Carolina No. 4 on its 2008 list of The Best States for Business;
5)Site Selection magazine listed North Carolina as the state with the top business climate six of the last seven years.

Hannah Chan
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